Well, we are soon off to go to Luke and Courtney's wedding. I am very excited!!
Knowing God is in their midst! Courtney will be my daughter, which is a blessing far above what I ever thought I deserved. She brings so much happiness to our lives. Luke will have his hands full, Court is full of life. One of the things I love most about Courtney is her walk with God! She has such desire and is Kingdom minded! We are going to have a living blast!!! Luke has been given just the right girl for his personality. She is great for Luke!! Luke is great for Courtney!! The mixture works!
God definately knew what he was doing! Just think in 5 days I have another daughter.
Thank you God for what you are about to do! You are a suddenly God!! You know the beginning from the end! Thank you for Luke, Courtney, Sara, Mark, Star. (and Meela)
My little family is growing by the month. I just love it!!
Once Luke and Court are married, I will be posting and discussing my soon to be new son Mark.... (to be continued)
I love you all and would die for you all....