Saturday, November 29, 2008

LETS START GIVING!! (tis the season!)


Marks Starlet said...


MERBEAR said...

I couldn't have said it better myself...... Marks Starlet!!!!!!

Pauly-Bee-PO-Pal said...

Love it!!!!

Rachel R said...

This is a great song... but I couldn't stop laughing at the crazy hair, stretchy pants and baggy sweaters.. Oh and Michael Jackson's jacket. WOW!

Still a great song though.. :)

MERBEAR said...

True Rachel! Mind you fashion comes and goes and repeats constantly... Maybe that is why I don't buy into it too much! Fat ties, thin ties, medium ties........Tight clothes, loose baggy clothes!! etc. etc!
Like the three bears, this one is too big, this one is too small, and this one is JUST RIGHT!!!
Fashion is fickled!!

Rachel R said...

You're telling me! haha... I saw a pair of black dress shoes in Aldo the other day for about $70. My mom used to buy me the exact same pair when I was about 8 years old at Zellers for $10. haha! What goes around comes around. (I just hope Whitney Houston's hair doesn't come back around!)

MERBEAR said...

No kidding Rachel!!!
Hairdo's are hilarious almost all the time. Watching models walk down the runway.... with their heroin strung out, possessed eyes, hair all over the deaths door with anorexia......
Now deathly skinny is cool,,,, used to be curvacous was model body..
At 57,,, I laugh at it all.
Standard classic, classy styles that never date, what my Pastor taught me...... always looks good no matter how fickled the stupid fashions of the day dictate...
Love your comments,
Have a wonderful holiday time with your precious family.

Ruth said...

Wow, a blast from the past eh? You know you're old when you recognize the singers! I now remember why I still like country music,...ah Kenny!

MERBEAR said...

That is funny!! Yes, I know them all!! Time is ticking way too fast Lisa......
Like a vapor..... here today,,,,,, gone tomorrow......

Thanks for commenting, I always love it..

Jason said...

HA. HA HA HA. hmm. What a difference in the theology of these celebs in that day and the ones of today. Although, perhaps, far from the truth, some, if not all would be...The references to God surprised me. The stand for unity and the idea that we are "the children" of, as the song subtley whispers, as God's children. Just try and find that in today's society and in amongst this generation. Thank God for a strong Youth Group as such, that of Truth Church Calgary!